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Dewei New Materials' interim results shine Special materials drive the company's development

Date:2015/8/12 14:51:48 Hits:83
On July 24, 2015, Dewei New Materials (300325) announced its first half performance report. From January to June, the company achieved operating income of 703,881,578.9 yuan, an increase of 29.26% over the same period of last year; the operating profit was 39,274,533.79 yuan, an increase of 26.83% over the same period of last year; The net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 34,329,474.29 yuan, an increase of 29.25% over the same period of last year.
Looking back at the first half of 2015, China's GDP grew by 7% and the economic growth rate was stable, but the pressures and challenges brought about by the macro environment still existed. The company's board of directors and senior management rely on the company's advanced technology research and development level, vigorously develop special materials, increase the marketing of special materials, and launch a series of marketing strategies on special materials, continuously improve the market share of the company's special products, ensure the smooth progress of production and business activities, and maintain a good momentum of healthy development.

For a long time, Dewei New Materials has been committed to the development of its main business, and has implemented the overall development strategy of "multi-field development under a single main business". During the reporting period, due to the company's active marketing strategy, the operating income of UL materials, XLPE materials, and internal and external shielding materials increased by 1059.72%, 56.28%, and 71.61% respectively compared with the same period last year. At the same time, with the gradual establishment of the company's major marketing networks and the further increase of the synergy effect of Shanghai Wanyi overseas market, the operating income of Northwest China, East China and East China increased by 285.04%, 159.61%, 58.51% and 53.79% compared with the same period last year.
Relying on leading product technology, high-quality product services and stable product quality, the company has an increasing number of customers, including some high-quality customers in the industry. At the same time, as a listed company, the company's brand effect is increasing day by day, which improves the customer's awareness of the company's brand. Overall, the company's position in the industry is increasing day by day, and it is gradually becoming a leader in its industry.
The rapid growth of the company's operating income in the first half of the year has laid a solid foundation for the operation in the second half of 2015, and I believe that the company can deliver a satisfactory report card in the second half of the year.
Next:Dewei New Materials' revenue increased by 37.32% year-on-year, laying a solid foundation for the performance in the second half of the year

sales hotline:     0512-53229395

Jiangsu Dewei New Materials Co., Ltd

Address:     99 Shanan East Road, Shaxi Town, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province

zip code:     215421

website:     http://www.chinadewei.com

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