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Dewei New Materials' revenue increased by 37.32% year-on-year, laying a solid foundation for the performance in the second half of the year

Date:2014/8/19 14:52:52 Hits:92
On August 8, 2014, the company announced its first half performance report. From January to June, the company achieved operating income of 544,565,543.62 yuan, an increase of 37.32% over the same period of last year; The operating profit was 30,967,309.99 yuan, a decrease of 5.57% over the same period of last year; The net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 25,723,904.48 yuan, a decrease of 7.48% over the same period of last year.
Looking back on the first half of 2014, the macro economy is still in a period of deep adjustment of transformation, economic growth has slowed down, and the pressure and challenges brought by the macro environment still exist. The company's board of directors and senior management in the unfavorable business environment according to the actual situation of the company, deep cultivation of the main business, the adoption of active marketing strategy, so that the company's sales scale to further expand, the national sales network has been gradually established, to ensure the smooth progress of production and business activities, to maintain a good momentum of healthy development.
For a long time, the company has been committed to the development of the main business, the implementation of the "single main business under the development of multiple fields" overall development strategy, focusing on the development, production and sales of polymer materials for cables, the main products cover insulation materials, shielding materials, sheath materials three categories of polymer materials for cables, including XLPE insulation materials, internal and external shielding materials, automotive wiring harness insulation materials, elastomer materials, UL series materials and general PVC materials and other six series of hundreds of varieties, widely used in electric power, automobiles, ships, railways, home appliances, communications, construction and other fields.
Unfavorable factors such as macroeconomic sluggishness, slowdown in domestic economic growth and increased operating pressure on the company's downstream customers have brought certain pressure to the operating performance in the first half of the year. The company strives to overcome the impact of various unfavorable factors, adopts a relatively stable marketing strategy, appropriately sells some products at a profit, and adopts different sales policies for the company's customers under the premise of ensuring the recovery of funds, so that the company's competitive advantage in the industry is more prominent, and the ability to withstand macroeconomic downward pressure is also stronger, and the market share is further expanded.
In particular, through the appropriate way to increase the promotion of XLPE insulating materials (products with large market demand), in order to maintain the company's market share continues to grow, 2014 1-6 months XLPE insulation material operating income increased by 51.70% year-on-year, in addition, because the company in 2013 successfully acquired Shanghai Wanyi Polymer Materials Co., Ltd., and the company's main products for internal and external shielding materials, 2014 1-6 months, internal and external shielding materials sales situation by its favorable, The operating income of the company's internal and external shielding materials increased by 76.62% year-on-year.
The rapid growth of the company's operating income in the first half of the year has laid a solid foundation for the operation in the second half of 2014.
Next:Jiangsu Dewei New Materials Co., Ltd. with an annual output of 18,000 tons of new environmental protection cable material products environmental completion acceptance project publicity

sales hotline:     0512-53229395

Jiangsu Dewei New Materials Co., Ltd

Address:     99 Shanan East Road, Shaxi Town, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province

zip code:     215421

website:     http://www.chinadewei.com

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